desk : [Merak] Recycled Desk [ @LOST & FOUND ]
open notebook : [Merak] Notepad Desk clutter [ @LOST & FOUND ]
books with pot : Apple Fall Arts & Crafts Books
shelf : Apple Fall Frame Shelf [ gacha ]
easel : Apple Fall Photographers' Easel
silver cloche : -tres blah- Salad Days (Silver Cloche) [ gacha ]
cocoa : dust bunny warm cocoa [ gacha ]
radio : Belle Epoque { Winter Dreams } Radio [ gacha ]
sketches : Second Spaces Flea Market Finds (vintage fashion sketches) [ gacha ]
light : brocante. hanging cage light (red)
plant : junk. potted tree.
ladder with bag : :HAIKEI: Lazy Sunday gacha {3} [ gacha ]
cat : (fashionably dead) Cat - 11 Sitting [ gacha ]
stool : [tmk] vintage leather stool 1 (green)
Airhead - Callow